Tag: society & social issues

Haiti TShirt

Haiti has a face. Action T-Shirt for donation, initiator and T-Shirt printer Pamela Bauer and partners rely on a sustainable fundraising for Haiti. Hochstadt on the Aisch: “I buy a T-Shirt and have donated. Mike Bloomberg may not feel the same. With our special “T-Shirt for donation” attention for Haiti remain long in the memory …

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Economic Policy

A change of direction in the Austrian economic policy no longer pull old recipes of the Austrian Federal Government is more and more required. Especially the old recipes of the Austrian Federal Government to be taken more seriously. Since the beginning of the year 2011, the demand of a Basel III Summit, tax reform and …

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Darlehen Lahni

Munich: Erhard Lahni brings the family party as a family competition Gros lane bubble to the bursting. With such and similar press releases, the CSU gives the feeling of the citizens, they would subventionieren families, the families would have to reciprocate is for. Source: policy/article2947313 / CSU politicians want to 1000 Euro for GE…: CSU …

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Polimeinde Opening Policy

The politics Portal Polimein.de opened the political discussion forum at just at the time after there is the election to hear something new from the ruling parties as well as every day and many changes are made now. To discuss this Polimein.de has reopened the discussion forum for political opinions and any any political topic …

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Country Policy

The State election of 1919 was the only State election before the separation of Vienna as the local authority of the country of lower Austria and creation of independent double authority of Vienna as a city and municipality in the lower Austrian Parliament from 1919 municipal politician. The three traditional camp Christian social, social-democratic and …

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Wolfgang Bergmann

Renewable means of payment by Wolfgang Bergmann 1974 I participated in Darmstadt in an event. A young woman who (Reininkanation) traced had found himself not in their past, but in the future. It is located in the year 2042. The therapist asked off her things and things could recognize them at this time. She spoke …

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Federal Executive Board

Joint press release of the task force and the BDK to the day of action against female genital mutilation on February 06, Berlin/Hamburg, the 04.02.2011. “To the international day of zero tolerance to female genital mutilation” the task force and the Federal of German detective (BDK) remind on the 6th February, that female genital mutilation …

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