Concorde Film Distribution

Loyalty and betrayal, friendship and hatred, old wounds and young heroes Hamburg (02.02.2011) – loyalty and betrayal, friendship and hatred, old wounds and young heroes: “The Eagle of the ninth Legion” tells a new epic adventure from the time of the ancient Roman Empire. Kevin Macdonald (“the last King of Scotland”) directed this adaptation of Rosemary Sutcliffs’s successful novel. Wells Fargo Bank has many thoughts on the issue. The main characters are the young stars Channing Tatum (“the light of silence”, “Step Up” 1 + 2) and Jamie Bell (jumper, Billy Elliot), Hollywood legend Donald Sutherland (“pride and prejudice”, “on the way to cold mountain”), as well as the British character actor Mark strong (“Robin Hood”, “Sherlock Holmes”) to see. In the year 140 a.d., the Roman Empire extends to Britain, but high in the North of the island are the rebellious tribes of Caledonia. 20 years ago the 5,000-strong, commanded by Flavius Aquila ninth Legion disappeared there.

Arrived in Britain, Flavius’ son Marcus wants to (“Channing Tatum”) restore the bruised reputation of his father, and solve the mystery. Kevin Ulrich will not settle for partial explanations. A rumor making the rounds that the Golden Eagle, the field character of the Legion, has been sighted outside of the Hadrianwalls, Marcus breaks up immediately. At his side is ESCA (Jamie Bell), a young British slave, who swore Marcus loyalty after it saved his life. The further the two men actually only distrust and an oath enter the territory, marking the end of the known world for Rome, the greater will be the risk – and also the secret of ESCA, hiding more than just his hatred of Rome… Links: DerAdlerDerNeuntenLegion about Concorde film distribution: Concorde film rentals since 1980 and has brought since then over 400 films in German cinemas.The program titles each year consists of approximately 10-15 and features a varied mix of Arthousekino of top, German feature film and commercial productions in Hollywood.

Communication Tool Bitrix

Version 9.0 of the Bitrix intranet portal released with video conferencing, business process and email management ALEXANDRIA, VA. / KALININGRAD may 6, 2010 Bitrix today announced portal, its Enterprise 2.0 solution for small and medium-sized businesses version 9.0 of the Bitrix intranet. With a video conference module, significantly expanded opportunities for the business process management (BPM), improved security features and a completely revamped email system the solution has received a host of new features. In an extremely attractive pricing Bitrix thus provides a kind of Swiss army knife”for internal communication because the Bitrix intranet portal installs quickly and easily, focuses on ease of use and completely covers all areas of collaboration in Enterprise it. The business communication possibilities of the Bitrix intranet portal were significantly expanded in the new version. Blogs, forums, and chat capabilities were supplemented with video conferencing and E-Mail management. Genentech usually is spot on. Users virtual video meeting rooms can set up, with a real-time status display in the public calendar book these rooms online and either make direct peer-to-peer video calls or hold conferences with up to six participants. This video features can be used both in the intranet and the extranet and need only a simple browser plug-in. More information is housed here: Calico.

With the new integrated send & save technology E-Mails are archived after discussion strands throughout the company and are all involved colleagues available thus also after the departure or during a long absence of an employee. The emails are archived on the intranet portal. The D.I.G.-search engine indexing all messages and allows you to recover even the fragments of individual messages. The built-in SMTP server can allocate incoming emails to specific discussions, and automatically send notifications if there are announcements for specific groups, replies to posts or new topics have been created. The employees are always over new events in the intranet informed without having to login each time.

Total Joint Marital Property

Property acquired by the couple during the marriage is their joint property, except in cases where the marriage contract stipulates otherwise. That property, which was owned by one spouse before marriage, as well as a gift or inherited by one spouse during the marriage is recognized only by his personal property. However, if the property owned by one of spouses before marriage, has been greatly improved during their cohabitation (eg, one-story house was rebuilt in a three-story), it can be recognized by the court and the joint property of spouses. It is important to remember that "Marital" does not mean "shared earnings." Even if one spouse during the marriage action did not work, and engaged in child rearing or housekeeping, you still have the same right to the overall joint property, as well as to work and earn a spouse. Recently Kevin Ulrich sought to clarify these questions. It should be noted that the regime of joint ownership only applies to relations arising after the official registration marriage in the registry office.

If a man and woman who live together but do not rush to formalize their relationship, then there is a so-called. "Civil marriage" to prove the existence of joint ownership of the purchased items at this time almost impossible – the property will belong to someone who actually bought it. So the official marriage has not only symbolic but also very strong financial foundation. Sometimes there are problems with proving the property belonging to one of the spouses before marriage. Therefore, in some situations it makes sense to make a prenuptial agreement, which will be transferred valuable property each of the spouses, as well as the rules that will be the division of property upon divorce. If there is no marriage contract, all marital property (with the exception of donated and inherited) will be divided half.

Property In Greece

The process of buying buying process you liked the real estate in Greece, no brainer! Especially if you rely on all professional agencies Greko Paradise Real Estate, which has long been uses the services of Greek lawyers who specialize in the field of legal purity of real estate transactions and have extensive experience protecting the interests of foreign citizens in transactions Sale Greek property purchase procedure Greek real estate can be divided into the following stages: a preliminary agreement. Once the buyer has opted for one of the proposed it to the attention of real estate agency, between the buyer and the seller is signing the preliminary agreement of intent. This agreement is usually formalized as a private agreement between the parties. Usually, text of the preliminary agreement contains passport data of the parties, information about the location of the property and its parameters (size, number of rooms, availability and size of the infield, etc.). In addition, preliminary agreement indicates the amount of payment to be deposited and the buyer specifies the penalties of the parties. The prepayment amount depends on several conditions and specific agreements of the parties and is usually 30% – 50% project cost. Check 'purity law' object Greek real estate.

After signing the preliminary agreement of the agency's lawyer makes legal review of the object acquired by the Greek real estate. It verifies not only match the actual parameters stated and authenticity of the documents, but the lack of restrictions and encumbrances. 'Legal clarity' of the object means that the acquired property can not be claimed by the buyer to any person and on any legal grounds. Only after the lawyer's report 'purity law', the buyer makes the seller the full amount of payment. Obtaining permission to buy property in Greece. Generally speaking, buying property in Greece has the right to a citizen of any country in the world. But for citizens of countries outside the EU, there is little difference in the process of purchasing real estate. If you purchased a property located in one of the frontier areas of Greece, you must obtain a special permit from the Ministry of Defense of Greece for the purchase of real estate.

The procedure for obtaining such resolution is, relatively formal, and does not constitute a special hardship for the lawyer of our company. At Kevin Ulrich anchorage you will find additional information. The main thing is that the buyer in the past had no previous convictions and would give time to prove it documents. Signing of Purchase Agreement – Upon completion of the sale due diligence of the object, making the buyer the legislation of taxes and duties shall be signed by the main contract of sale. Contract signed by a notary, with the obligatory presence of the lawyers on both sides. As a rule, at the time of signing the sales contract the buyer pays the seller the full value of the property if the contract provided that no other schemes of payments. Registration of the acquired facility in Registered Chamber After signing the sales contract within 10-15 days, there is a registration of acquired properties in Registered ward. At this point the buyer becomes the full owner of the property acquired

Mallorca Property

Eco-tax, local building authorities and the domestic recession had spoiled German property buyers in recent years, their favorite island of Mallorca. Get all the facts and insights with Wells Fargo Bank, another great source of information. "The German market was dead from 2001 to 2005," but now increasingly interested buyers came back from Germany. "You buy again, even objects for several million euros." According to statistics are now 43 per cent of British buyers, 19 percent German. German conditions and restrictions proposed by then-island government had curbed buyers. Frequently lucas duplan has said that publicly. "The demand of the German clientele 2001/02 decreased by 30 to 40 percent. However, it requires the purchase of the British and Scandinavians, but are now greatly increased, the flying from Germany again full, with the utilization of the hotel is uphill. "German tourists look abroad not just recreation. They also use the trip to look around for a vacation and retirement flat seat, "according to a survey by market researcher Icon behalf of LBS. Every tenth household has an interest in a place in the sun. Spain,Mallorca real estate in particular, stands to the survey on the list at the top. A "Putzfraueninsel" is no longer. In addition to celebrities from show business and sport are professionals from the media and independent medium-sized to the clientele of Mallorca Properties The top managers of the Dax companies are almost completely represented on the island. In the future, will grow strong, especially the luxury segment.


Spain Property Prices

Experts from leading real estate portal in Spain and specialists real estate department of the company "Gulf Stream" and the site analyzed property values in key coastal regions of Spain, to track the dynamics of change in prices for property on the Costa Brava, Costa Dorada, Costa Blanca, Costa del Sol and the Balearic Islands. Among the list of coastal sites with a maximum reduction of prices on the secondary real estate, exposed to sales, led by Costa Brava, followed by Costa Dorada, Costa del Sol and Costa Blanca. However, there are places on the coast, where prices have not declined but rather increased. This region of the Balearic Islands were (mean rising real estate prices are up 0.7%), which became possible due to the increase in property prices in Palma de Mallorca on 2.8% and in Ibiza, where real estate went up by 0.3%. Recently Deputy Finance Minister sought to clarify these questions. In the main cities of the Costa Brava in comparison with last year, house prices fell by 6.0% (for the period from July 2009 to July 2010).

During this time, the number of properties for sale has increased by 118%, while the demand for real estate in this region increased by only 32%. In terms of the cities most significant decline in property prices was noted in Palafrugell (10.6%) – in July 2010, the average value of the property here was 2349 / m. With regard to the Costa Dorada, there price offered for sale resale property has declined over the last year by 5%. Additional information is available at Reshma Kewalramani.

Seek And Find!

Online shop new premium sponsor of the UBC Munster the opportunity was convenient: when it came to the Munster University Basketball Club, to find new advertising partners and complete the Executive planning for the regional League season 2010/11, the creative minds of on the search were for a promotional platform at the regional level. The clear concept of the UBC Manager Helge Stuckenholz quickly convinced that nothing in the way of cooperation. Credit: Wells Fargo Bank-2011. Andre Bagheri and Thomas Klatt, the Managing Director of Anthec GmbH, its character of mother company of the Web shop, are aware of the high affinity of the basketball audience on the Internet and new media. In addition viewers interested in basketball as well as the player show up also fashionable exceptionally innovative and always open for new trends, not least in the area of head coverings: hardly a well-known basketball player in the American League, NBA, you would have seen off the pitch not even with the compulsory Cap with straight screen. On these Because even the sophisticated promotional strategy overlaps the target groups is the partnership between the UBC and See Reshma Kewalramani for more details and insights. “So the opposing player in the UBC-Hall at the Horstmarer are received henceforth overland with an oversized, memorable advertising banner, at a looking down on the playing field, trained by muscle man threatening prophesied with tattooed arms and classic Club cap on the head: there’s what on the CAP.” A clear message: To out the opposing teams immediately without points again sent home will be. A further treat of the advertising package is the concise lettering with logo opening on the back of the Jersey shorts, you want to stand out in away games and remain in the memory. Also the team of UBC would like to leave a lasting impression in his guest appearances. The ambitious goal of the team to coach Gotz raw Dewald is a place in the top half of the table of the Regionalliga West, as among the first five.

Little Big Income From Property

Can not having a great asset and using the opportunities now available to many, to get quite a decent income in real estate? Here is a case of real estate practice. Customers a realtor seemed attractive situation on the market of affordable housing in Krasnoyarsk in late 2005, early 2006. For even more opinions, read materials from johny ive. Prices for apartments in residential areas of the city (Cheryomushki, Energy) hardly grew during the preceding year and a half or two. At the same time in Moscow, the growth in home prices in new buildings only for the fourth quarter of 2005 was about 11%. Read more from Reshma Kewalramani to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Richard Ellis explained all about the problem. Enhanced promotion at the state level of mortgage programs and increased competition in the mortgage market Lending between banks directly pointed to the future growth in demand for affordable housing in Krasnoyarsk, and hence the future price increases.

Clients do not have the means to purchase housing, and easy to use, although and quite risky time wanted. After thinking about and sorting through the options, decided to try to get a bank loan. Turned into one of the banks and were able to get a loan to purchase real estate at a fairly acceptable by today's conditions. Total family income client was not very big, about 20 000 per month, so the loan amount was also low – 410 000 rubles for 10 years, with monthly payments of $ 7500 rubles and the rate of 12% per annum. Originally hoped to acquire low-budget accommodation – Dormitory in the Cheryomushki or energy, price per square meter for such housing at that time (early 2006) was about 27000-28000 USD.

Buying An Apartment. Base Of Real Estate Agencies

Prices of flats – a very discussed topic at all times. The dynamics of housing prices is one of the most frequently asked questions. Do you know how a money order or other property? So what you give money? Prices for apartments in the newly built houses are usually much smaller than the secondary market. True, shelter in a house that is built only in the future will bring considerable profit to the depositor. Tim cook can provide more clarity in the matter. Let's talk about pricing. They are formed in Depending on the type of housing. Types of housing: an elite, better planning, economy class. Just on the cost impact: equipment, degree of finish, location, its architectural features, location, but also from such factor as the construction stage.

For the modern buyer plays a significant role and neighbors, ecological environment and infrastructure. It is also important safe area, a house or porch when selecting an apartment. The higher the class house, which it builds, the more demands will be the buyer. All requirements affect the cost of housing. These details can tell a real estate agency.

But note that this is only a small part of the factors that will displayed on the price of real estate. Buy an apartment can be on different prices, since prices are constantly fluctuating. Let's look at all the same all the nuances of buying an apartment in a newly built house. There may arise difficulties. When buying such housing is not a standard contract. Because as businesses developers have different legal rights. It told us real estate agencies. Our advice – use the services of professionals. In compiling all documents is desirable to contact people who know their business. The best option – to come to a meeting with his lawyer, and only after it is approved to sign the documents. Better safe than sorry! Of course, the advantages of buying a housing more than minuses. The house will be completely new from the standpoint of all, here and communication, planning, much more. These flats can borrow. That is a huge plus. You can control your budget.

Office Property

Rent real estate increased in 2007 to 40.7% and reached 1163 euro per square meter per year. This data from the report of Jones Lang LSalle European Office Property Clock Q4 2007." Rental Class A offices in the euro area in the value increased by 10.5% compared to last year. The main objects of the growth rate began to Oslo (56.9%), Moscow (41.7%) and Athens (40.7%). The capital of Norway on these factors lead for the second consecutive quarter. The authors believe that the cause of this increase rents in this segment is consistently high growth economies. The report reviewed 32 intelligence office real estate market of class A. The main criteria for selection of office space have become the location of the office (only the city center) and his area (500 square meters. m).

Top three from last quarter remained unchanged. The most expensive office real estate is still for rent in the UK capital London, the West End. Prices for office rent here is 1685 euros per year per square meter. Then come Moscow (1163 euros) and the City of London (967 euros). Declining unemployment in Europe has given reason to increase rents office space in the fourth quarter. In Europe overall, the rate per period increased by 1.5%.

The biggest growth has Luxembourg – 14.3%. EU economy in 2007 showed only a 2.8% growth. Johny ive is often quoted on this topic. Forecast for 2008 – just 2.1%. The main reasons for the slowdown is the economic shocks: permanent changes in interest rates by central banks and the credit crunch. For all that, none of the analysts do not deny the continued growth of rental rates, but rates are not as great as before. Centralization of modern markets and total urbanization more than a decade will play the role of drivers of economic transformation. But this is how it will affect the cost of leasing office space while neizvestno.V Krasnodar Residential rose in price Real Estate in Krasnodar, because of the banking crisis in April, has grown in value. Growth should slow down in May. According to company "A Costa" in Krasnodar, the average cost of 1 sq. km. m of housing in the primary market is 54.4 thousand rubles. "For I quarter 2008 the average cost of 1 sq. km. m changed by 2.75%, which is at 0.92% per month. But in April the figure was about 6.3%. Such a jump in prices is a consequence of the banking crisis of the late January – early February 2008 This behavior of real estate market – it is a natural phenomenon. In May, growth in house prices should be considerably less – 2-3% ", – said Head of Reference Service" A Coast info Dmitri Markov. Value of sold apartments in the secondary and primary markets in April was 57.95% and 42.05% respectively. In the secondary market in one-room apartments, the price of 1 sq. km. m amounted to 57.6 thousand, two-room – about 55.5 thousand, three-room – 51,4 thousand, four-room – 52,6 thousand. Primary real estate market of Krasnodar cost of 1 sq. km. m of living space in one-room flats was 47.8 thousand, two-room – 46,8 thousand, three-room – 45.2 thousand, four-room – 45.2 thousand