
Because like it or not, all employ the negotiation. It is a reality of life. We try to put ourselves in accordance with a stranger about our housing prices to obtain the best possible price for its sale, we spoke with the director of the Bank to improve our conditions in the mortgage and that these conform to the more favourable market conditions. In all these situations you have interests that meet and the other party also. We can not resolve a conflict with one or more involved if there is a reconciliation of interests. For more clarity and thought, follow up with The Africa Report and gain more knowledge..

This also can be extrapolated in the judicial field, even when the procedure was initiated or is found at an advanced stage of execution. In the field of monetary claims, with one or more creditors, bankruptcy and insolvency of individuals, when there is a patrimonial imbalance, has to be used a negotiation based on the reconciliation of interests, with all the acreedoresimplicadospara reaching a good agreement, not only economic. Is in game shape and the deadlines for payment to obtain a balanced outcome and fair to those involved. Reconciliation of interests-based bargaining is a basic means of getting something from others, what we want. It is a communication of roundtrip that seeks to achieve an agreement, taking into account that you and the other person share some interests and have others that are opposite each other. Negotiation strategies for getting what you want from others, in personal and commercial relationships tend to leave people exhausted and unsatisfied.

Two forms of negotiation, which develops a hard negotiator and that develops a soft negotiator are almost always perceived. The negotiation which develops soft negotiator wants to avoid a personal conflict and why make concessions easily, in order to reach an agreement. You want an amicable solution, but almost always, it ends up being exploited and embittered.