
Flexible and cost effective service for SAP users Aachen, 05.04.2011 – not for all SAP users is the manufacturer support appropriately; Alternatives begin to develop grade on the German market. To exit from the maintenance the last logical step may have. In order to benefit from bug fixes and adjustments to individual, there is the service of the “fire”: A central directory of service providers who need help quickly and flexibly. The starfish IT looks more service provider Forum, to meet customer demand. To terminate the service contract with the manufacturer, may initially seem as daring step. However, this means businesses can be right, if they can achieve benefits as a result in their long-term IT strategy. Because not always the full maintenance service is required for all the modules – just older releases are often stable and consolidated the installation.

Whether a termination of the maintenance is technically feasible, is related to the used Modules together. Modules such as HR personnel management require updates for legal changes and thus the full maintenance service; for the payroll services such as other modules do without completely on manufacturer maintenance. Even if leaving a maintenance company, an SAP installation sometimes requires services. So still error treatments are necessary in some modules, or individual adjustments require external expertise. “In case of emergency a SAP user relies on then quick help from specialists”, explains Axel Susen, initiator of the starfish IT Forum. “For this reason we have called the service of the fire brigade in the life.” Due to the variety of the SAP modules continue to locate service providers for this service! “Fire”: Central Directory creates win-win-situation the starfish IT Forum as an independent user platform mediated contacts between service providers and users of SAP for mutual benefit: service providers, which can repair individual modules of SAP installation, can be via the online contact form on Enter the central directory of starfish. Members of the starfish IT Forum if required, access to this data and can respond quickly when it comes to problems in individual modules.

They benefit from the fact that they only have to pay the support services, they really need and get – thus, significant cost reductions can be achieved partly. Third-party maintenance – the new world for SAP users yet there are also users who require more support than the demand service of the “fire brigade”. “These companies will be enthusiastic about our concept of third-party maintenance under” Williams next. “Along with Rimini Street and 500 SAP experts was a completely carefree package developed for many SAP users, including German-speaking helpdesk, level 2 and 3 support and guaranteed response time of 30 minutes.” Third-party maintenance for SAP systems is one of the themes of the info day 2011. for more information, as well as program Please. Short profile Starfish IT is a forum that Starfish IT is Forum-independent Community of interest of SAP users from the roof States. The objective of the Forum is to improve the IT organization of participants practical. The starfish IT Forum is the ideal platform to find like-minded people, to exchange experiences, to analyse problems and to solve. r more interesting facts. There are many ideas that can save money in the future, for everyone involved. On the starfish Forum they are born and implemented.