February 2013 archive

National Commission

It was assumed that external factors were going to complicate the performance of the Mexican economy this year, but did not expect that the main factor that would hit the Mexican economy was the rise in international prices of food and energy. Rather, the slowdown in the U.S. economy was the factor that expected, more …

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Brazil America

Do companies in Colombia, information and advice by Joshua Adekane the Republic of Colombia has experienced strong growth between 2002 and 2007 due to their policies promercados that you have tra? OJ records in investment levels. However, during the financial crisis this nation was affected by the decline of exports which caused negative development indices. …

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Business Intelligence

When the company raises change an ERP? Synerplus promotes a series of prerequisites to the substitution of an ERP system as fundamental to make the right decisions and avoid the paradox when a company raises serious replacement of its ERP technology becomes a matter not trivial, for the consequences of their decisions and above all …

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Network Marketing

The instant in which you log in the Network Marketing industry, are quite a few decisions that you have to take, one is, choose the company that start. The company will not be the best of the medium but yes the best for you, since you tell with several guidelines that have helped you to …

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Revealing The 17 Great Secrets Of Viral Marketing For Your Business On The Internet

With the avalanche of viral marketing campaigns directed to users of Internet viral marketing has paved the way and has become one of the most widely used in business advertising methods. The principle of the success of a viral marketing campaign is the number of users who come through this marketing strategy to a landing …

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Carabobo Management

A good management adapted to the current reality of the effective behavior of companies that allow them to be highly competitive, is fully identified with the scope, implications that generates (BPM) business process management. The current scenarios involve features that require companies that they act to have as well as offer a product demanded, backed …

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Shielding Your Company From Possible Defaults

The world has changed very quickly, in my daily contact with companies as a consultant in arbitration I find sick companies. Yes ill by the pandemic of defaults. There are sectors that are very sick (looong unpaid) and I enjoy doing this parallelism between being healthy (no defaults) and being sick (with defaults) by this …

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