The Manufacture

11 In this histriade its Florncio we perceive a transformation of the nature of history, the botijafora embedded very before the dam You plough to be constructed, but as ningumconseguia to take off botija, the there magic gold, then a visagem as eleprprio it was there in the oiticica, then after the dam the visagem that before jogavaareia in who went to fish in the river that passed there, now with oiticicaficou it to the dam covered and alone time in 1983 discovered for two in dries in the region in 1993dez years later other it dries, then playing sand, but as seuFlorncio more now always it does not appear a light there the night and it frightens the fishing. On this paisagemvivenciada in the hinterland of long ago let us see what the historian nosdiz Vasconcelos in its article ' Times and memories, Ways for the sertanejos: who contahistrias? Where the author goes saying of its experiences with narradoresdessas lands sertanejas in full pertaining to the state of Cear hinterland, lives deeply with them eexperincias of citizens in a still isolated world of the great centers. At the same time, I knew the trabalhocomunitrio of the scrap, milling and drying of the cassava for the manufacture defarinha, coexisted the nocturnal seres that, in this period of the farinhada one, reuniana same, flour house, men and women to count ones to the others osltimos events, hunted histories, of meeting with lobisomem, haunted visagensnos ways of the bushes, places that traced the geography of magical umserto. 12 historiadoraest if relating to these histories, that we cite as of its Dion in the suaexperincia of that dark day half night, searching to understand nessashistrias, or better, to understand this it practises of contao of of these histories, emseu context of life as in a more general context, is with this direction queestamos working, to understand these memories and its formation naquelalocalidade.