Team Inhabitants

The data below of (graphical 01) point the vandalism as the activity that more occurs in that locality tied up to with physical aggression (both with 30%). This collection is random in the direction to identify the types of violence without taking in account the period and the day of the occurred fact. Graph 01: Research with inhabitants and traders on the type of present violence in the Beautiful Brown Square in Serrinha – of May the June of 2010 Elaboration: Team, 2010. Still on the research with inhabitants and traders, it was registered sonorous pollution as form of violence for if dealing with a disrespect to the welfare state. According to Interviewed 1A, ' ' the vandalism most of the time, is practised by lesser infractors that, in search of food and alms ' ' perturbam' ' the traders and its clientela' '.

After to interview the inhabitants and traders in the direction to reach the objectives of the present research, they had been collected given disponibilizados for the Military Policy of Serrinha by means of police occurrences in the year of 2008 where the homicide attempt appears with 60% of frequency following of assault and battery with 20%. However, he perceives yourself that, by means of (graphical 1 and 2), the same phenomena are gifts in the stories of the inhabitants and the registers of the policy therefore, is about occurrences that if become public not only for inhabitants and traders as agents of public security and the population in general. Graph 02: Comparative police occurrences in the city of Serrinha? 2008 Elaboration: Team, 2010 In 2009, the type of violence that more occurred in Serrinha, had been physical aggression that appears as more frequent act (with 55% of the occurrences), followed of assault and battery with 25% and in third place robbery with 5%.conforme given demonstrated in graph 3.