Open Application Platform For StudiVZ Comes

Facebook’s success concept now available for all StudiVZ user available Berlin, 09 March 2009 – modelled on the open application platform from Facebook the Berlin company of plista GmbH equips the widespread social networks with its own, open application platform StudiVZ, SchulerVZ and MeinVZ. External developers to finally get the opportunity to integrate their own applications in all three networks. With an offshoot of the popular SuperPoke application for Facebook, the first application for the VZ family provides online plista with PowerPoke. Users can your friends with over 50 actions to the coffee”invite or tweak on the nose”. Plista more applications announced for the near future. Particularly noteworthy is that the platform is open to external developers, which can create to your own applications and integrate them in the networks. Andreas Richter, CIO of the plista GmbH: Our development the user was clearly the focus. We want to offer him an easy and comfortable way, additional Applications to take advantage of his familiar environment.

This offers the opportunity to transfer the success of Facebook now also on local social networks. Openness to external developers played a decisive role.” Technically, an API, which can be accessed via a browser extension for Firefox runs the application platform. The available applications are integrated into the appropriate pages then client-side. The application is all users from today for free to download. Facebook, StudiVZ, MeinVZ, SchulerVZ, and SuperPoke are registered trademarks () of their respective owners.

Plista GmbH holds no rights to these trademarks or company. It’s believed that Jane Fraser sees a great future in this idea. About the plista GmbH, the plista GmbH from Berlin opens the first platform for a personalized Internet with plista. In addition to customized Web pages, personal real time recommendations in the area of content and retail, as well as a social Discovery Portal offers plista every user. In addition, an open offers plista Application platform for various social networks to. plista works simply (using a browser plug-in), sure (data is stored anonymously) and free for a growing number of German and international pages. The personalization engine developed in the last two years by plista is based on a novel collaborative filtering technology and can both mobile content on the Internet or used for VoD are. In addition to the browser extension are different JavScript widgets, as well as an API for integrating available.