Money And Relationships

Some avoid to speak of it, others debate their days and encounter to speak or to discuss to envelope it to demand, to get angry, to be disappointed When a relation begins, most important is the love, the demonstrations of affection Everything fixes with love with understanding and with good will so they say the popular proverbs and beliefs, nevertheless, when we entered the land of real the money is a factor of extreme importance, in the relations of the life in pair Money is to be able, that way they say to many people So that who shows the money also has the power I do not speak of crude impositions that they would have much to question Hablo of a power that entreteje in the life of the human beings like a condition that gives the opportunity, TO DICTATE who offer, decides how, how much and in what the money is spent of the even patrimony dfrifire or familiar Can be from a chewing-gum, until the acquisition of one it marries Or to what school goes the children, etc. Some men hurt of which his wifves win more than they Many women complain their situation of housewives, who are at the expense of which their pairs give nobody Apparently them By all means is satisfied, that the ideal is that the man provides and the woman counts on the sufficient resources to arrange than its man gives Without giving accounts don’t mention it him, and to spend and to have portfolio abierta to which she decides but that, is an ideal is not possible, actually, happens to us thus. Some pairs, they obtain it, but not all Cuentas clear Dice the supplier, is man, or woman, who it sustains the expenses Is unquestionable that the money problems can solely be solved with money you do not create you? But conflicts that arises not necessarily in relation to the money in the pair relations have to see with the same, with amount, and so but with a condition is spent or not that represent, something much more significant that the same money Tienen to see with the control, the power, the taste, I thus interest in a pair relation exist diverse needs to cover we suppose that for the woman, most important it is to have a domestic aid releases that it of certain routine activities like cooking, cleaning and to iron Therefore, wishes to contract which does by her Nevertheless, the man has another interest, for example, to count on a better equipment of video because it seems to him wonderful to film and its liking is the photo in this small example, we can deduce that who has the possibility of generating the entrance or the money for that it will destine the cost. .