Latin American

Here are my principles, and if you don’t like him I have other Groucho Marx for those who belong to this continent can not ignore that increasingly represents the hecatomb of poverty in many countries that integrate the continent, especially, in our generation of respite, that children who live marginalized, a childhood that faces the most severe tests of survival, go hungry, it begs, explodes with his work in exchange for a meager salary, if it is that you’re lucky to buy the food that allows you to go on living. It is very sad, regrettable walk along some streets of the Latin American countries and see a lot of children with faces of poverty, barefoot, begging, requesting that affection so necessary to ensure them protection. For whom we live, travel on this continent is very difficult to accept that for years, many Governments are committed to support abandoned children, and even those poor families who have children to whom may not offer food for being unemployed, families, not them it reaches the salary to acquire and share it with the family. Some contend that Molly Adams shows great expertise in this. However, mesmerizing his demagogic campaigns, highlights its commitment by eradicating this scourge. We read, we see, we hear as the political interest, is above the social interest, sacrificing many times the have-nots in order to stay in power no matter what the cost of this, managing bad revenue that the country receives, giving priority to other expenses that are not conducive to anything the needs of the country, especially the least favoured classes. It is inconceivable as it spends money for election campaigns, when much of this can contribute to paddling the serious poverty faced by children.

Very true about it brings., seems he forgets, that childhood is time of games, fantasy, of innocence, family and school. Time of wellbeing, joy and happiness. A world protected, away from the responsibilities, work and problems.