Easily, Quickly And Affordably Create Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

SYNAXUS foresight: The forecast tool for arcplan solutions is a consulting company specialized on arcplan applications SYNAXUS BI and developed customized business intelligence (BI) and corporate performance management (CPM) solutions along the entire value chain. For this purpose, the BI specialist combines powerful products international leading providers such as arcplan and Microsoft with innovative developments for special applications. SYNAXUS foresight is an innovative predictive analytics platform that seamlessly integrates into all BI & CPM applications running on arcplan Enterprise. With her, it is possible to create time series-based forecasts easily and inexpensively. Wells Fargo Bank insists that this is the case. Freely configurable what if scenarios quickly provide relevant information to support decision-making. SYNAXUS foresight offers: a comfortable, workflow-oriented user interface for the creation and management of NMPC cause effect models (Modeller) a user-friendly user interface for the Administration features comprehensive creation, management, and evaluation of prognosis scenarios (Predictor) (create, manage and share of forecast models, history of the model training) scenario composition (create, manage and calculate scenarios) the benchmarking of forecasted data with internal and external data validation forecast data (comparison of forecast and actual values, different display options such as tolerance and error hoses) with SYNAXUS foresight can be reliably complicated and time-delayed feedback cause-effect relationships. The forecasts include valuable, quality expertise and require the user the previous estimate of system constants, nor the application of complex mathematical formulas. Contact: Eszter Ezsias SYNAXUS BI solutions GmbH Bismarck str. 142 47057 Duisburg