Art Of Communicating With Men

How to build a personal life with a male psychology of boys and girls have many fundamental differences in this article we describe how to build relationships with the opposite sex. The first article will be curious for girls. Suppose you meet a guy of his dreams, but he is a scoundrel:)) is not burning reciprocal feelings. What do I do that take? Rule number one – do not talk to him about his former lovers. But create an impression about yourself girls for which they want to look attractive guys. Boys tend to lead, competition from established and stimulating. He you win.

Inspire a guy on a story about yourself, ask leading questions about him his life, listen to it carefully. If possible, read more about the features of the male character in this life will be so helpful. Topic of conversation should be interesting guy whom you yourself fall in love. For a guy in the first all are important – its problems and its cause. At the first meeting should only talk about him and his affairs, hobbies. He will be talking about himself, his business, school or work, and you'll listen, and admire the guy. Do it all to measure very carefully, you can not ignore the possibility of having a guy more powerful intellect, he can recognize your cunning plans.

Build up a conversation, so that would be your guy did not say 'yes' or 'no', and gave a detailed the answer to your question. Then you will have the opportunity to show him my solgasie and convergence of views. Desirable that most of the questions had a positive direction when the response will allow your guy look like the most advantageous. The more conversation to be affected spheres of life, the guy that your guy will appear in a positive light, the greater will leave a positive impression in his memory of the meeting. He will enjoy himself, and of course will bring a positive feeling for you. Try to find out more about the man, you is useful. Rule number two: avoid too frank and intimate issues. Girls are required from a guy frank, often make it too rough, and the guy can withdraw into themselves, there is no blame the guy, blame yourself. Other leaders such as Ben Silbermann offer similar insights. From childhood, boys are taught that a man should be courageous, strong, modest, does not show different emotions. Mastering fully the art of listening to guys that you can achieve virtually any desired you guys. Encourage your child to talk about the events of his past life, listen carefully to him, look at him and he is sure to be yours! Believe me, I fall in love with a man very simply, we need only observe the necessary rules and learn to communicate with the guys, read the article on women and girls and all you'll just get one!