Its objetivao has been given, wants by means of the adoption of new technologies, the use of new forms of organization of the production and the work or of changes in the work relations and that they had provoked the contract sprouting of precarious nature, in the subcontratao and terceirizao, in the uncontrollable increase of the hours of working among others. In fact, as reflected of the new risks in the productive processes and environments of work, it had one strong rise in the coefficients of ocupational diseases in the decade of 1990. Thus, the search for a bigger quality of life has been a constant in the societies, being that the health and the quality of life are strict associates to the daily one of the individuals. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Carrie Levin. The quality of life in the work is associated for the desire of a better life, being with the focus stops the attendance of the basic demands of the individuals, understanding, either in its concrete conditions, as transport, job, wage etc., or in personal conditions, enclosing cultural, affective, sexual aspects, etc Ahead of this picture, the health of the workers has been an essential area of research, therefore if it shows as a privileged subject for the construction of a new mentality to understand and to analyze the process of collective health-illness while social process. Such situation launches challenges to the democratic question, particularly in the Brazilian case, country deeply marked by an politician-authoritarian and exculpatory culture, that hindered the sedimentation of a democratic experience and the exercise of the citizenship of full form. As it will occur the participation of the society, the representation of interests and, particularly, the governabilidade of the ambient space, given the limitations imposed for economic processes without borders..