Russian Linguistic Philosophy

specific language, expressed in some uniform set of beliefs, or instructions. To those views may include, for example: a good idea if the others know how you feel, in this case, as if they are implanted in the as indispensable to every native speaker norms. Hyundai addresses the importance of the matter here. For some reason, people who speak a particular language should unquestioningly follow the same views? And according to that view, influencing the outlook, implicitly incorporated into the meaning of words, an individual believes they unquestioningly, without hesitation, sometimes involuntarily. Using words with hidden meanings, the individual himself without noticing it, and agrees with contained in them the concept of worldview. However, those lexical components included in the value of entries, phrases and idioms in the form of direct statements, may be the subject of discussion between variety of native speakers and thus do not enter into that aggregate base concepts, which forms a linguistic world.

For example, from the Russian idiom "looked like a sheep at a new gate" can not be draw any conclusions on the "gate" in the Russian linguistic worldview, but that the "sheep" seem to him as a demented creature. The fact of ownership of certain language implies outlook. If, however, the structure of the ideas contained in the sense of the lexical units of the native language, was adopted by a native speaker as the course itself, and the speaker appears delusional about the fact that this is how life is arranged. However, when comparing different linguistic ideologies, there are significant differences between them, with sometimes extremely difficult. For example, for people who speak Russian language at the level of the native, looks certain that the psychological being of people is divided into mental and emotional, while mental life is linked to the mind and emotional – with a soul, well, or if we replace this pair by more physical, we like a couple of "head-to-heart." They say that someone "bright mind" or "good soul", and when we have something to remember, we "keep this in mind," and "feel the soul" and if we get too excited, we "cling to Heart. We are confident that in another way and can not be, and are surprised to learn that for carriers of several Asian languages, which are, incidentally, work in our translation, all emotional being can be contained in the liver. In these languages have idioms of "reasonable" and "good liver," and when agitated they have a "liver shrinks and grows cold." Of course, this is not anatomy of these peoples, but with features familiar to them, the linguistic outlook.