Pere Rosales

So we could define the emotional marketing as a proactive attitude of a company to find and develop a bond of affection long lasting with your best customers so they feel the brand as something own and need to contribute to their growth and survival. Once identified the best customers, brand adds emotional value to the relationship in the form of help, or desirable, consistent, timely and generous affection for the subject. The help should be given always to produce an experience: personal, positive, relevant, clear, consistent, mutual benefit, original and memorable. Thus, this aid exceeds the customer’s expectations and it produces a sincere desire to correspond, which is materialized in the affection and commitment to the interests of the marca-empresa in the short, medium and long term. The emotional Marketing, therefore, is not a new way of selling, but guarantee the permanence of the customer and increase sales volume. What is emotion? According to Madduck defines it in his book Marketing to the Mind (fig.1) the emotion is a feeling produced by the subconscious before the opportunity of satisfying a basic need that encourages the body to act to get it. Other authors (see references) define emotion as an immediate response of the body which tells you the degree of favorability of a stimulus or situation.

This indicates that We can feel emotions of two types: positive and negative, depending on the favourable resulting perceived for our protection and development as people. In this way, we could say that people are experiencing positive emotions when what we perceive is a help for our well-being and feel negative emotions when what we perceive is a threat to our sense of security and personal development. Thinking and feeling the commercial communication is characterized by his persuasive speech that tries to convince purchase potential client, through rational and/or emotional arguments. In this sense, direct marketing is known for its ability to argumentation and communication of brand, (also called branding) for its emotional content. The emotional marketing comes to be a mixture of the argumentative power of the best direct marketing, broadcast on a code of communication itself of the best ads of mark in which emotions arise a flor de piel. It is uniting the power of reason and emotion in the same strategy, though basically we all know that they are not separated. In his book emotional intelligence, Daniel Goleman shows us as the mind and the heart are fully related in our decision-making process. Emotion comes to be the bridge between the need and the behavior and is part of an indivisible whole that is the intelligence that we could be classified into two groups: mind and heart, reason and emotion, neocortex and amygdala.

Human beings think and feel of indivisible way. Every decision we make implies a process of reflection that goes beyond the simple logical reasoning. In fact all of our decisions are product of a consciente-racional party and another emotional (and sometimes subconscious) that compels us to do so. In any case, the reason and emotion make up a perfect balance in humans (see fig. 2) which establishes a compensatory balance between the two. And here the 1st part of this interesting article. Next week, in the 2nd and last part, Pere Rosales you speak of the power of emotion, emotional marketing = marketing experiences, on what customers want? and effectively affectivity. Do not miss it!