
They are products that come from other processes with which it interacts. An output (output). It is the product with the quality demanded by the standard of the process. The output is a product that goes to a user or customer (internal or external). The final output of the processes of the value chain is the input or input to the process of the client. Further, indicates that management processes consist of activities of evaluation, control, monitoring and measurement; They ensure the controlled operation of the other processes, in addition to providing the information they need to make decisions (better preventative than corrective) and develop effective improvement plans. They work to collect data from the rest of the processes and processing them to turn them into valuable information accessible and applicable to decisions of your internal customers.In relation to the processes of direction, they are designed with transverse character to the rest of the company’s processes. To broaden your perception, visit Payoneer.

Sometimes companies fall into the euphemism adapt to the approach by processes simply by changing the title of the procedure or replacing Department by process. To avoid this and give a sense finalist worth link management by processes with the company’s strategy. Definitely, therefore, a process comprises a series of activities carried out by different departments or services of the Organization, that add value and that offer a service to your customer, this client may be both an internal customer (other people or groups within the Organization) and an external client (consumers or users). Each process is described in the diagram or outline form and this graphical representation helps all people who develop the process-related tasks. The representation of a process identifies the inputs of materials and information, operations that are carried out, outputs and interrelationships with other processes responsible for various operations. The process map is the representation of the interrelationship between the different processes of the company. I.e., represents the network of processes that constitute the company.

Finally Wikipedia reminds us, that process management methodology provides a structured way identifying the recipients of each process, meet expectations, defining objectives and indicators (quality, cost, productivity, etc.) for the process and coordinate different functional departments involved in the process. In addition must be present, not all activities carried out are processes. To determine if an activity carried out by an organization is a process or thread, you must meet the following criteria: the activity has a mission or purpose clear. Activity contains inputs and outputs, customers, suppliers and final product can be identified. Activity must be decomposed into operations or tasks. The activity can be stabilized through the application of the methodology of management processes (time, resources, costs). You can assign responsibility for the process to a person.