Wall Street Institute

ster of address? n and management? n of franchises, one of the m? full s of which are arranged in Espa? about this f? formula of trade associations. Do do do students of first level as Group D? to Wall Street Institute, the C? mara of Commerce of Madrid and a faculty consisting of early swords of the business world like Grupo Zena, Comess Group, Pressto, Neck & Neck, adem? s of teachers of different business schools such as Harvard, underline the professionalism of this consultant? and the growing demand for knowledge of this business system. ?Do do each to? or we impart this type of courses we are aware growing demand that exists in the field of education? n on the system of franchises in Espa? a. As?, d? a today have students and highly qualified teachers. If this crisis we est? do do do do do ense? ando something is that the formaci? n, for no longer s? thing the? business success but for the maintenance of what has been achieved in? few complicated, is b? sica for a health do do do do do economies? who needs m? s entrepreneurs and fewer officials?, says Pablo Guti? rrez, director of consultant? mundoFranquicia a. Do do do do do do do do do do the M? address ster? n and management? n of franchising has as m? s outstanding objectives power deepen the study of the franchise as f? formula business, identifying the main character to do so? features and din? mica’s operation of this business, its conceptualizaci system? n and implantaci? n, its strategic facet? gica, your car? cter jur? dico and relational, etc.; do contribute to students the knowledge necessary for the creation? n and/or address? n of organizations established under such agreements; do optimize the management? n from chains of franchising with the BSS? n of executives qualified and specialized in the operation of this kind of corporate structures; do do do provide entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs the formaci? n t? technique and proper with which to develop their management skills? n in the start-up and development of their franchise chains.