The New Way To Construct Houses

A house built in indoor conditions contains less humidity than houses built in traditional manner in dealing up to 70%. The duration of the construction process is shorter in comparison to the conventional prefabricated houses to 2 – 3 times. During the construction of the House in indoor conditions indoor as well as outdoor activities be carried out practically simultaneously. The House frame is ready to be equal Mounted wall tiles, giving the possibility to start internal machining (repainting, installing tiles, etc.). Go to Wells Fargo for more information. At the same time with implementation of the internal machining, assembled outside a cables, plumbing pipes, insulation wool, etc.

or attached. Work in each section is carried out at the same time. When building a conventional House, the House must be made first weather resistant and then can woodwork begin are. Also the verification of compliance with quality requirements is much simpler in construction in indoor conditions. A strong concrete basis (approx.

49 cm thickness) built House is much more resistant to any reductions of the land. (Normal in Germany: 25 cm) The House can be moved at any time without damage in another location. This possibility gives a completely different business advantage houses of this type. It is same as when car at these houses a so-called secondary market. Also, a House by the owner sold the real estate market can or bought back by the manufacturer. Advantages in terms of labour: labour costs up to 50% can be saved. When working indoors, also builders before weather conditions (wind, rain, snow, etc.) are protected. The construction worker’s place of work is independent of the location of the building. In the plant have the workers a better work environment, and additional values (E.g., recreation rooms, washrooms, etc.) According to statistics, workers in indoor conditions ill less frequently and there are also far fewer accidents than when working outside the building.