Search Classifieds

The n? images usually limited but you can generally include at least 4 pictures. Some ads portals offer of promotion optional, payment systems, which allow you to highlight the ads to increase its visibility and that stand out above the rest. It’s a good strategy if what we sell has difficult output due to its high price or excess demand. Other types of promotion including in some websites are the inclusion of our classified ad in a top for a given n? of days. The top is an area that is above all ads and which allows our ad to appear among the first when users search for products in a specific section. Another interesting feature and available most of classifieds portals is the ability to query the number of visits which has received our ad. Don’t forget that the title is the most important element when it comes to receive visits. In terms of our personal data, some classified portals do not require registration by the user, just enter an email address to be able to publish.

Others, however, requested a record of the user and must associate a user name to post your ads. You should not worry about their personal contact information, the vast majority of classifieds portals include privacy policies which guarantee that your data will not be provided to third parties. To increase the chances of selling it is advisable to announce your product in a few few classified portals to reach more buyers. Once you have sold your product you can delete your listing on websites where it is published. On some pages of ads, they expire and if sale not completed within a certain period of time are eliminated, being necessary to republish them if we have not managed to sell our item. Search Classifieds in Spain organized by categories. Selling online is very easy. You can now start putting ads free second-hand.