Jose Native

Such attitude, explains this phase of Alencar: ' ' He is hollow (…) Brazil does not have native poetry, nor perfume seu' '. In the truth, ' ' oco' ' that it bothered Jose de Alencar did not mean that the country was empty, in the direction of absence of contents and histories to be counted. She was yes, full of unacceptable events ahead of the expectation of a europeirizada society that it intended to prevail. Ahead of this the national manifestations they were not cultivated, since the society of the time could not be praised as essentially national, such fact made with that these manifestations were prevented. Later Possessed for the nationalistic ideology of Jose de Alencar many writers had looked for to present ' ' soul of ptria' ' through clippings of this native land. The man started to configure itself in the literary compositions, as being synthesis of its region, fixing itself as possessing type of customs and specific language.

In addition, the authors of the first regionalistic phase objectified to portray the peculiarities local, displaying events in environments where the habits and the styles of life if differentiated of the civilization ' ' niveladora' '. It is inside of this perspective, that the Regionalism exhales ' ' perfume seu' ' , effectively native. This type of work aiming at the regional scope had as influence to the ideas of the precursor of the nationalism, Jose de Alencar. Of a style that reflected the simplicity of the scenes, that took off advantage of the popular dialects and that it was limited to the colorful one; the Regionalism starts to be more literary in the direction of if becoming objective and interpretativo little, above all looks for to express denouncing intentions, thus, was configured and developed as a dynamic literary sort throughout the years. As well as Jose de Alencar, Pink Guimares Joo also presents nationalistic ideas, recognizing itself in the universal regionalism.