Carlos Drummond

In what deDrummond says respect to the workmanship, could speak at four moments: the first one would be the Eumaior that the world, where the poet sees the conflicts more social semantm a little distant. He is what it occurs in Algumapoesia (1930), its primeirolivro. From the second phase where> the poet if return for the Eumenor of the world. In this phase, dumb Drummond the route of its poesiaexplicitando its social side, focusing the unjust and brutal world, aguerra and the suffering and the impotence of the man ahead of the world.

Ospoemas of this phase meets in the Sentimentodo workmanship World (1940). Naterceira phase, equal I to the world, the manifest-seentusiasmado itabirano for the politics, focusing the world and the man after Segunda World-wide War. The workmanship that if detaches in this period is ARosa of the People (1945). Passing of the phase of the euphoria social politics and, Carlos Drummond deAndrade, is turned toward its myths, entering the metapoesia. Nestafase the poet became more reflective, developing in joint its textosum of interrogations on the emptiness to the watch of the serhumano. The workmanship that if sobressaiu in this period was ClaroEnigma (1951). Milk the Mortedo poem represents umapotica of drummondiana participation, evidencing traces dapersonalidade of the poet, the working question appears as something basic and atravessavrias stages, in the height of its participativa poetry, tomacuidado Drummond and still daily that proper exploraodo milk feeds. Although despertado I sing, it, Drummond mostraque this I sing revolutionary of the worker does not arrive aoshomens sleepy thanks to the sleep of the merchandise. It is emphasized, thus, that it has a lack of conscience of the men of the acercada city condition of whom they are explored and of the emgeral exploration.