Barcelona President

President, I salute him. My name is Daniel Bueno (everyone calls me Dani). I am 32 and am a native of Barcelona, ie Catalan. Yes! those people that put you cabreadizos fault with everything and have a reputation for not wanting to let go of anything other than the rest of the country. The reason I write is my intention to explain the situation that has been going on for the past five months and that has led to the fact that at present I am, without eating or drinking in a precarious situation frankly. If vd.refer this writing, it is because this situation has been caused by the way they are structured some of the systems by which this country operates, so I thought that you, as leader of this government, would be the person appropriate to seek a solution to a problem that can stop a citizen-and I mean know one for me, but go vd. to know how many more will have been like me without any coverage to the daily life of every day. In particular two such systems: The work and health. Or a combination of both, to be exact in the case. To illustrate that on this, I gather, is not the only (as I have no reason to be worthy of a conspiracy by my government), I am compelled to tell how the events were happening from the beginning. I hope this does not bore you too much. I notice that going for long … It all starts on 19 November 2007.I’m in the electromechanical, and carried out this task in a machine shop for the rental by the public works companies. We supply, among others, the companies that you select to carry out all its infrastructure projects. Sure sounds GAM-Vilatela company. Well then, I say, the 19th day of November, I felt while working some stitches in the abdomen certainly alarming. The pain radiated even (stretching) to the genital area. I mention this because it is actually very important, as discussed below. So please I asked someone at work approached me to hospital, emergency room visit because that really scared me. Some time ago he had already had similar complaints, although not as intense, but since that ended during the long-forwarding and slow-medical procedure to which I was subjected, did not give them more importance. That should be by 2003 or 2004.As I say, I relapsed of those pains and was rushed to City Hospital Tauli de Sabadell (Barcelona province, autonomous region of Catalonia, Spanish State, Europe, etc..): This is where I live. The first remarkable point of all that later would be happening, is the fact that I spent just seven hours (from 10h to 17h) in the emergency department at the main hospital of a city that can not be described precisely small or unimportant. Seven hours, sr. President. A less than it needed, especially because the walls of the emergency waiting room, hung a poster that read as follows: “If your stay in the emergency continues for more than eight hours, please contact our staff to order a sandwich. I’m not kidding. Unfortunately at that time did not have a camera to photograph the thing.President, I detached sign that two revelations: the first is that here are accustomed to waiting more than eight hours. And second, that Social Security considers a very limited amount of food necessary for survival by the human being … do not pretend to be more corrosive than it should, but when one has breakfast at 6:15 am in the morning , put up with it until late afternoon is horrible.
